Seek God’s Favor

Stephen Edgecombe | September 21 | Devotional |
Have you ever asked someone for a favor? When you ask someone for a favour, you’re generally asking for something they don’t owe you. The Bible says of God: ‘You bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour’ (Psalm 5:12 NIV). Nehemiah as he faced the challenge of building the walls of Jerusalem, realized the task was bigger than he. So he prayed and reminded God of his promised. Then he sought the favor of God as he planned the project.
If you have a Popeye moment you need to seek God’s favor before you move forward. The Psalmist prayed “Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame” (Psalm 86:17). Then he reminds us: ‘You bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour’ (Psalm 5:12 NIV).
When you have God’s favour, people start favouring you too – often for reasons they themselves can’t explain! That’s what happened when Nehemiah prayed for favor. He received amazing favor from none other than the King himself. In fact, his focus was not on getting favor for himself, but for the work of God. The King in return was pleased to help him. As a result, Nehemiah received bodyguards, a security contingent, letters of recommendation and the required timber, not only for the repairs of the city but also for his future residence in Jerusalem.
Ask God for favor today and watch would God does!

Psalm 86:17

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